ok ima scene emochick and wen itease my hair i cant get it 2 stay up even though i use the aussie instant freeze hairspray! ( whichis like rock solid) PLZZZZZZ HELP!
Thx! xoxo
How do u tease hair kuz, im like, a scene emo chik and cant keepmy hair up! help plz!?
straightening it helps me, it lasts for about 8 hours until it goes back down...or you can use pins in your hair to keep it up.
How do u tease hair kuz, im like, a scene emo chik and cant keepmy hair up! help plz!?
Omg, u wanna du scene hair, kuz youre a scene emochik? Youre like, such a like, poser.
How do u tease hair kuz, im like, a scene emo chik and cant keepmy hair up! help plz!?
you cant just use hairspray! are you new to the scene hair?!
use a comb and 'scrap' the hair at the roots. this will know your hair and poof it up.
a combo of this, hair spray, pins etc. should work.
How do u tease hair kuz, im like, a scene emo chik and cant keepmy hair up! help plz!?
Teasing or backcombing hair
Tips for all different type of Hairstyles
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