HONESTLY I AM TICKED OFF WITH THIS WHOLE SCENE THING! WHY DON'T YOU GUYS GET YOUR OWN STYLE! I put up with CRAP for 3 years becase of my choppy scene hair! i grew it out and then BANG people now have it! WTF you guys get your own style it's seriously just stupid! YOu don't even listen to the music you just basiclly copy people because you want to be them, you don't even know what the hell its about!
Sorry just blowing off steam i just find this ironic!
Why do you follow this hair thing?
imatation is the sinceest form of flattery, did'nt you know that.
Why do you follow this hair thing?
thank you
i call them scenesters
cos thats what they are you can't just become scene you actually have to act like one which noone can do and it pisses me off when people try to just becuase they think its koo its so annoying they need to get their own personal style and stop following eveyrone they see
Why do you follow this hair thing?
dont let it bug you, most people just think that the hair style is cool, just cuz others do it doesnt mean you cant. They like the cut too, no offence but you dont have a right to stop them from getting it. Just get the haircut if you like it! Its kind of like a trend people like it now but in a year or so nobody will have that cut anymore....maybe thats when you can get it cut that way again :) hope i helped :)
Why do you follow this hair thing?
I hear u. yeah i think it is way dumb too. im right with ya sista!
Why do you follow this hair thing?
lol, omg, just chill
you shouldn't have given in just because of what other people said. yes, people steal styles, that's the way it works. you just have to deal with it
Why do you follow this hair thing?
yeah i hate how the whole scene thing has become for the people who would have been wearing head-to-toe abercrombie %26amp; fitch and gap 10 years ago. even the celebs are all trying to be artsy with the vintage band t-shirts n stuff.
if you like it , just keep doing it. all those people will find a new scene to copy soon. i think ghetto is next. everyone is trying to dress like that now.
idk i'm considered weird cuz i like all styles and i just go by what i like... be it abercrombie, hot topic, applebottoms whatever...
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